Day 29 (266 Km)

Had a good breakfast and then
took the ride alongside Lake Arenal to Canas, Took almost 2 hours to do this 100 km scenic twisted road through a nice rain forest, After Canas it was north to the
border on a dryer and dusty highway, due to road works. Arriving @ the border
around 1 pm, we processed our bikes and ourselves out of Costa-Rica within 30
minutes and then crossed over to the Nicaraguan side, where all hell soon broke

Lots of people, all with badges to show that they are “legitimate” are not offering, but
harassing you to fill out your
papers upon entering Nicaragua and as my standard way of procedure, I always refuse
every-one and go direct to Immigration and customs to do my paperwork myself. After receiving after a while my entry stamp
and having an argument, that I was not paying a one cent to enter, because I
was a resident of Honduras and that there
is free of charge border crossings between the CA-4 countries, they gave
in and let me in free of charge on the end, but were pissed off, Scotty of
course had to pay, by not being an Honduran resident yet after 20 years!
Then we went to the Custom
area to do our bike and presenting all the papers, he wanted to see the signed
customs declarations of each of us and when I asked for the forms, he said, you have to get
this form from one of the “people”
outside, After looking for an half an hour for someone that had these forms,
they send Scotty back to the Costa Rica area, where all the loafers were trying
to push you papers earlier and finally reached the guy what had the empty
forms, He didn't want to give the forms to Scotty and start cursing his mother out for not
getting it an hour ago. (The guy just had a T-shirt on) He said you not getting
one now, because you did not wanted one earlier, so they had an altercation! Finally
Scotty came back with only one empty form,
so then I had to go back to do the same thing. So arguing there the same
point and listening to his crap, I told him in my very best Spanish, what I
thought about him and I called the police standing around to put an official
complaint against the loser, and took everybody mug shot for intimidation and a
few minutes later the boss came and processed our papers after sending us first
to secondary inspection of our motorcycles for narcotics. End of story, 4 hours
later we drove away from the border to San Juan del Sur about 40 km away in
Nicaragua, a sea town on the Pacific side.

We had been there before, so
it was easy to get a hotel, food and a few beers!