Day 33 (324 km)
Asuncion, we left 10 am and it took us at least one hour to get out of town and the traffic was hectic and lot of people and traffic on the road, but finally we reached after 30 km the outskirts, but every 10 km there was a village or so, so we did not make good speed and it was only 300 km to Ciudad de Este, which is located on the border with Brazil and Argentina and where the famous Foz do Iguazo waterfalls are. They supposed to be more impressive as the Niagara falls, so will compare that tomorrow.
Every 2 or 3 km there was a checkpoint on the road from the transito police and noticed soon that they only had it in for foreign plates and motorcycles and soon we were pulled over a couple of times and intimidated with fines for speeding, crossing a double line, no reflection clothing, did not like the Bolivian stamp in the passport and more crap and every time the conversation started polite, but soon started in a shouting match and worse. but these young arrogant cops were no match to me and after threatening a few of them, that I will send them tomorrow to the Bolivian border for a year or so for punishment, after I got my sources involved to back me up ( I have none!) and what helps always is taking their pictures and tell them I made a video as well of there scam, they gave quick the passport and other papers back and let us pass and took their revenge out on the next Gringo's, this time they were 3 Mexican bikers (one man, two female) and felt sorry for them.

It is a pity Paraguay, tolerate this behavior from these corrupt cops on the road and is so far the only country in South America were this is happening to us, but unsuccessful.
I like these stand offs and it is like playing poker and I am good in it!